Possible Power Supply Problem?
Ok, at first I thought my computer was overheating, but I saw someone on a forum who had similar problems that I did and they suggested running this toast program(http://www.geocities.com/btvillarin/Downloads/Toast.zip). I ran it and in about half a minute my computer died on me and couldnt have been at more than 50 degree celsiuos. Normally it runs at around 50C and right now after changing some fans, they where all exhaust and also checking my heatsink its at 45C. Actually this was done before running tost, only difference in heat is because it had been running all day and was hotter to begin with. Also I am using an ATI AIW 9700 Pro, which I am told really needs power whic could explain why the problem only happens when playing games. The power supply I have now is an off brand, again why I suspect this, 420W.
You really gave us no lists of any hardware or software in your system except the rating of the PSU and the video card. BUT very very few home systems need a PSU with more then 400 watts of power if the psu is really OK.
I have multiple dual AMD systems with 3 or more scsi disks and multiple cdroms and none have a PSU more then 400 watts.
I use the Sandra cpu burnin program when stress testing a cpu and checking temps. Try using MBM and keeping the dashboard onscreen with a very short delay to monitor temps more closely.
When properly configured, MBM 5.x will give CPU temps and PSU & Mobo voltages
MBM Motherboard list
Now what's your Motherboard, CPU, Heatsink, and your PSU 12v, 5v and 3.3v Amperage ratings?
psu manufaturers give a 5% tolerance on the voltage rails so see if you are within that on idle and load .
+3.3v .. min: 3.13v | max: 3.46v
+5v .... min: 4.75v | max: 5.25v
+12v ... min: 11.4v | max: 12.6v