MS deleting files off modded xbox's?!

drowddrowd Texas
edited September 2003 in Gaming
give this article a read. if that is true, thats pretty crazy


  • edited September 2003
    I updated my xbox, or rather Microsoft updated my xbox. Nothing seems to be gone yet, but I didn't have Linux on mine so hopefully that's all the update goes after.
  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited September 2003
    Wah wah wah... he "hacked" the damn thing, plain and simple. I know how to do it (don't own a Xbox myself) and he got nabbed. Too bad.
  • SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
    edited September 2003
    not much point in puttin Linux on the box is there really? sure you can show off knowing its possible, but whats the point?

    the guy who got his files wiped is just whining because he was being a smart ass. Didnt do him much good puttin linux on really did it ... :)
  • kanezfankanezfan sunny south florida Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    the point my friend, is that you buy something, a console, it's yours. yet here comes microsoft and tells you "we say this is how you are going to use it" that's the point. but maybe you like your freedoms beeing taken away? if so, there's a job opening for you at taliban HQ
  • T-BirDT-BirD Montgomery, AL
    edited September 2003
    ...or the office of homeland security.
  • kanezfankanezfan sunny south florida Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    that works too. I think wesley clark has a really good chance to dethrone the "king" though. we can hope.
  • AranyicAranyic Casstown, OH Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    But Microsoft does have every right to say "This is how it needs to be if you play on my network".

    By connecting to xbox live he agreed to thier TOS (this is clearly stated on the xbox website and I imagine it is stated elsewhere also when you buy an xbox). In the TOS you agree that you are only going to access xbox live with an unmodified xbox, with an unmodified xbox the updates they did would not have harmed anything. AND let's play along and even say they did delete the data on purpose:
    You specifically agree that Microsoft shall not be responsible for unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, any material or data sent or received or not sent or received, or any transactions entered into through or using Xbox Live.
    It sucks for the guy, but shit happens, you live and learn.
  • SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
    edited September 2003
  • edited September 2003
    And I believe you do not have to sign a TOS, your using the service so you are signing the TOS actually.

    Still, a bit rough.
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