Computer freezes
I am having a tuff time getting computer to run. Most of the time not even a beep, the one time I did get it to start it froze in windows (XP). I cleared cmos and restarted, went into bios to set it up but before I get halfway through (before I save it) it freezes again. Any help?
Either your memory sticks are not seated properly, or you have some defective memory sticks in your system.
You are not stating the specs of you system.
Please do so, memory and everything.
Is this a new build? Is this a rebuild?
In the specs of the system, start with the case,mobo,memory,video card,cpu,hs/fan,hard drive, status of HD, SATA,PATA,SCSI,IDE,EIDE,Power Supply,
Please without the components we don't know where to start attempting to help you.
Millions (ok, slight overstatement) have had problems with the kt7 series freezing... I blame the VIA chipset myself.
There never was a good fix for that, you just had to experiment.
Some have suggested that you set the agp driving control to a set value instead of auto. Others have suggested that the VIA 4-in-1's shouldn't be installed. Some say they should be. Others swear to various patches for the chipset. Et Ceterea....
I got my KT7 stable after tweaking for a long while... Don't ask me how I got it there, but at least I found out that the 4-in-1's didn't work at all on my board.
There's a good faq around regarding those sets. I think it's located here:
Might just wanna grab a cheap nforce2 board to replace it and enjoy a stable computer.
His computer won't even POST... Don't blame the mobo for "freezing".. If it won't post, it's either the PSU or the processor.
IF you can get it booted one more time, run memtest ( just for shits and giggles.
Chances are, the thing is dead. Can you try a different PSU?