Removing Windows XP

edited September 2003 in Science & Tech
My 30 day trial of Windows XP Home ran out, and now I'm trying to put on Pro.... but I can't get Home off. I put in Pro, thinking it might give me something to upgrade, but it didn't...
I've even switched hard drives, but I don't think my other hard drive works... this sucks, what do I do now? (I don't have a restoration cd or anything, cause I built my computer myself...)


  • edited September 2003
    boot to the pro cd and format the drive... unless you need to save data from the existing install :/
  • EMTEMT Seattle, WA Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    Can you boot off the CD and do a clean install to a second directory?
  • edited September 2003
    I've put in the Pro disc, then restarted, but it won't do anything. Then the "You must activate Windows XP" comes up. I don't know how to do that other stuff that you guys were talking about though.....
  • R4CK3RR4CK3R Oklahoma
    edited September 2003
    The first thing you have to do is set the bios to boot the CDrom before the HDD. When the "Press any key to boot from disc" message appears, press the "ANY" key on the keyboard ;). Then you should be able to run through the setup untill you come to the part that says something like "Current version of windows is installed, what would you like to do?" and sellect "Repair" and it will reinstall all the system files and registration stuff, keeping your current installed data intact.

    note: you will first be given an option to repair in the first setup screen, instead press F8 to agree and select repair the second time U see it when shown the partition table.
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