Audigy X gamer
Hello all
I just bought an audigy X gamer from a freind for $35 bucks. I went to creatives website to download the driver but I only saw updates for the driver that comes with the cd.
I'm pretty sure he will send the cd with it but where can I get the full driver from just incase he doesnt or iy's damaged.
PS I know Creative cards can be a pain. If any of you guys have any installation tips feal free.

I'm pretty sure he will send the cd with it but where can I get the full driver from just incase he doesnt or iy's damaged.

PS I know Creative cards can be a pain. If any of you guys have any installation tips feal free.
there are a couple driver packs posted, from different dates, but i'm not entirely sure why the older driverpack is almost twice the size.
hope that helps
Remember to delete the CToem.cfg file so it won't check if your system is Compaq. My old soundblaster drivers wouldn't install from the CD, all I could get were the drivers at the time for XP. That was the pits.
You can update them from the Creative site. I checked the link is still good.