Audigy X gamer

KometeKomete Member
edited October 2003 in Hardware
Hello all :) I just bought an audigy X gamer from a freind for $35 bucks. I went to creatives website to download the driver but I only saw updates for the driver that comes with the cd.

I'm pretty sure he will send the cd with it but where can I get the full driver from just incase he doesnt or iy's damaged.

TY :)

PS I know Creative cards can be a pain. If any of you guys have any installation tips feal free.


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited October 2003
    instead of searching through creatives site, just try this thread off short-media and scroll down

    there are a couple driver packs posted, from different dates, but i'm not entirely sure why the older driverpack is almost twice the size.

    hope that helps
  • maggie99635maggie99635 Alaska
    edited October 2003
    This is a 377mb download for the full CD. This is a direct download. I used them they are for live5.1's and Audigy. Last year. It is a full CD. They have to be extracted to a folder.

    Remember to delete the CToem.cfg file so it won't check if your system is Compaq. My old soundblaster drivers wouldn't install from the CD, all I could get were the drivers at the time for XP. That was the pits.

    You can update them from the Creative site. I checked the link is still good.
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