Best cpu for KT7A-Raid v1.3

Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
edited October 2003 in Hardware
Pauls FAQ's says a xp2100+ but are there revisions of it that are better than others? Any other input?


  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited October 2003
    This one is a good OC'er. I run mine at 2.3GHz (210x11) with default voltage.
    Some will tell you to go for a well proven XP1700+ like this one but TBH, with your board I don't think you can take full advantage of the chip capabilities. With the XP2100+ you won't have to stress the components as much.
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited October 2003
    KT7A-R v1.3 will run all Palomino (up to 2100+) & Thoroughbred core (FSB266) CPUs. The max Tbred core it will accept is the Tbred 2600+ (FSB266) 2.133ghz. Not to be confused with the Tbred 2600+ (FSB333) 2.083ghz.

    While not officially supported most KT7A v1.0-1.2 will run these CPUs just fine also.
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