160GB Hard disk suggestion pls
Hi people.
I am rebuilding my system. I was wondering, can anyone recommend a SATA 160GB hard disk to go with my Abit NF7-S mobo? I will not be running RAID, so I will connect each drive to it's own SATA connecter on mobo. I have looked around and Maxtor Diamond Max seems to be a good choice price/performance wise. Drives will be used for OS, programs and all my data stuff ranging from JPEGS to DivX files.
Thanks in advance.
I am rebuilding my system. I was wondering, can anyone recommend a SATA 160GB hard disk to go with my Abit NF7-S mobo? I will not be running RAID, so I will connect each drive to it's own SATA connecter on mobo. I have looked around and Maxtor Diamond Max seems to be a good choice price/performance wise. Drives will be used for OS, programs and all my data stuff ranging from JPEGS to DivX files.
Thanks in advance.
Second choice is Western Digital
After that there are no choices as far as I am concerned!
That was my thinking too...
I have just bought myself two of the Maxtor DiamondMax Plus9 160GB SATA drives. Hope they last long.