Pny Sucks
Man, I hate PNY, I bought a GeForce 4 Ti4600 like 18 months ago, so I was playing Jedi Academy last night and a damn capacitor fell off of my video card and my machine went crazy, I was planning on upgrading any way (You obtain a Geforce FX 5900) so I call pny, explain the situation and they tell me I need the god damned reciept from 18 months ago? WTF!?
Sounds like a reason for them not to hold up their warranty to me. Anyway the 5900 I got was a PNY verto, im thinking about taking it back.
Never buy a PNY and expect them to support you.
Sounds like a reason for them not to hold up their warranty to me. Anyway the 5900 I got was a PNY verto, im thinking about taking it back.
Never buy a PNY and expect them to support you.
shipping puts stress on the solder joints and the leads break.
I successfully resoldered one back into place but it only lasted a few months.