Monitor not recognized after updating drivers.

edited October 2003 in Hardware
Hey awhile ago I reformatted my pc to xp... then I updated my computer to the lastest video card drivers. Then I rebooted as requested, and it does not recognize my montior, I get absolutely no screen, my monitor says "Monitor Connected?" I dont get the bios screen. a boot cd/diskette doesnt work etc.

How can I fix this problem?

Relevant info, the card is a gforce mx 420 pci, pny verto.
hp pavilion8650c, 533 cely. 20 gig hd, running xp.

Let me know, any more questions let me know.


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited October 2003
    if your monitor doesn't show ANYTHING and acts like its not connected, then changing the drivers has nothing to do with your problem. does your machine post (do you hear the beep?)
  • edited October 2003
    yeah it boots up I hear it go through all the normal stuff..
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