Hey tmod !
I need programs to dump a running computers bios into a "bin" file we could take to a eprom burner and burn new bios chips with without having to pull the chip from the good computer.
I know they exist but... are they bios maker specififc or is there a genric one to dump any bios or what have ya got dude? This is a old pentium class computer with we think a Phoenix bios if that helps.
I know they exist but... are they bios maker specififc or is there a genric one to dump any bios or what have ya got dude? This is a old pentium class computer with we think a Phoenix bios if that helps.
Most if not all good EEPROM programmers have the ability to use the bin file as the source file to write.
So he is getting zero support and found a bios and flash utility on the web he thinks will work but.... See the prob now?
Thats why dumping the current bios with software soemhow to try and flash the otherone with possibly screwing up the running one was so important. When it costs big bucks when the presses don't run this is sorta scary for me. Thisi s a good buddy and I have helped him before to keep from sending these sorry POS computers back to germany but.... I want the chip pulled and copied is my vote since we have no docs and no nothing about the phoenic bios flash utiltiy he found.
I have never heard of anyone screwing up there bios by reading it with a flash utility. But in this case better safe than sorry!
Cheers and thanks
Any part number on the chip for me?