Mobo recommendation needed.
What are some good budget mobos with 5 PCI slots and will support the fastest XP CPU? Am also right to assume that current XP mobos aren't Athlon 64 compatible?
I've come across this one, what do you guys think of it:
Also, considering replacing this KT7 with an MSI Turbo2/XP 2600 combo (keeping my 1.5 of SDRAM)? Any thought on this?
I've come across this one, what do you guys think of it:
Also, considering replacing this KT7 with an MSI Turbo2/XP 2600 combo (keeping my 1.5 of SDRAM)? Any thought on this?
If you cannot afford an Abit NF7-S then go for the Abit NF7. The mobo you selected doen'r look bad and I don't recall any bad reviews but I have never run one.
second question
I would not run any of the old VIA chipsets if it could be helped. If you don't plan on OC'ing the 2600 I would consider an ECS K7S5A Pro and flesh to the Cheapoman BIOS found at OCWORKBENCH. These are rock stable mobos that support SD and DDR memory (you can only run one type at a time) but they are not for OC'ing.
That T gives you a lot more OC'ing features than the plain MCP does.
I had one MSI mobo and it was an Intel variety.
The bios on that board was very bad.
I finally returned it for an Abit mobo same variety.
I am happy with the Abit board.
I will not be overclocking at all, so any recommendations for this route would work best. Thanx.
If you want to go the cheap no overclocking route get one of those or something by MSI.