redundant PSU

Red-SquirrelRed-Squirrel Ontario, Canada
edited October 2003 in Hardware
I just got an ad in my email as they probably would like me to review their products (most power equipment) and it showed a redundant PSU unit which seems to be hot swapable type. The question just hit me, what is the point of having this? Even for a mission critical application, like how often does a PSU die on you? You'll probably clean install Red hat more often then replace a PSU! It looks cool though, but I'm just wondering why would anyone need it. It's a plus, of course, but I'm sure it's obviously much more expensive then just buying a normal top end PSU.


  • trippintrippin Chatt, TN
    edited October 2003
    Mission critical servers, you want hot swap everything period.
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