programming under win2k = bad idea?

Red-SquirrelRed-Squirrel Ontario, Canada
edited November 2003 in Science & Tech
I keep having very dumb programming problems since ever I started programming under win2k. Stuff that is programaticly impossible happends, such as data that is spit out that I never even put, some functions executing before others etc.... Now I'm getting junk data that I did not even put, and it's not a buffer but simple text specified in a cout<<"text"; statement.

In a program I'm working on right now, it simply loops and reads commands out of a file and executes a function for each command, but right now it seems to execute a function, totaly ingore what is in the function, execute the rest of the loop, and THEN execute part of the function (but not all). Stuff like this keep happening.

I never had this problem when I programmed under win98. I have not been programming a lot since I moved to win2k since my software site went caput when I had server/isp/tos problems preventing me to host my software. But I do program stuff for my own use sometimes.

Is there a reason why I get all these dumb impossible program executions? It does not seem to follow the program instructionsin order, that's really the main issue I'm getting.


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited October 2003
    is it possible your current compiler is incompatble with the system h files in win2k... that wouldn't surprise me at all especially if you were using the Pro verison with NTFS
  • Red-SquirrelRed-Squirrel Ontario, Canada
    edited October 2003
    The actualyl .cpp files are on a FAT32 partition, but the compiler is on the ntfs partition. It's an old compiler (BC++ 5.02). Now that I think of it, it's probably my main problem, it's too old. Without loosing the good old C and C++ stuff (iostream, fstream,winsock etc) is there a good compiler you'd recomend?

    Command line is ok I guess, but I would rather a IDE so I can add/edit resources and stuff.
  • edited November 2003
    i use ms visual studio, but thats because it came with my textbook. the problem is i dont know any free programs you can get. i like borlands stuff as well as visual studio
  • Red-SquirrelRed-Squirrel Ontario, Canada
    edited November 2003
    I want to try and stay away from MS compilers though since they force you to use THEIR code and not the standard stuff. Not so bad for console programs, but for windows programs. Unless that changed, have not used any MS compiler in long.
  • edited November 2003
    i have yet been forced to use any type of code. i've been coding the same way for the past 4 years and I started out on a borland compiler.
  • EMTEMT Seattle, WA Icrontian
    edited November 2003
    Dev-C++ is a great C/C++ windows compiler. Completely free.
  • Red-SquirrelRed-Squirrel Ontario, Canada
    edited November 2003
    Good to know, the version that I could only use mfc and not normal win32 must of been a different one or something. I remember half the code that worked in borland did not work in vc++ but code that did not work in borland did work in vc++ etc... I think I'll see if I can find it somewhere and give it a try.
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