Free Popup smasher suggestions

stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
edited November 2003 in Science & Tech
I need a good popup smasher that's free and won't generate popups or track me...

Thanks! :)


  • verselloversello New
    edited November 2003
    Do a google search for "smart popup killer". It's my current fav. popup "smasher" and it runs in the system tray only when you run IE. It's interface is also very simple, quick and of all, it's free :o
  • edited November 2003
    i like the google toolbar, its built in popup blocker works pretty good.
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited November 2003
    i find that the opera pop up blocker works very well also. before i used this, i used panicware's popup stopper, and it seemed to do the trick as well . . .
  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited November 2003
    I went with the first one, seems to work fine :)

    Thanks for the suggestions :)
  • edited November 2003
  • edited November 2003
    second the firebird...tabbed browsing is purty nice too
  • Red-SquirrelRed-Squirrel Ontario, Canada
    edited November 2003
    Yep firebird too, or mozilla. (firebird is mozilla but a "different" version, have not tried it).

    What's nice about it is that it blocks all popups, and you can allow certain domains only. So I allow forums I go to and that's it (PM notices etc..)
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited November 2003
    if you use mozilla but haven't used firebird, you should definitely switch. although firebird is a beta, it performs MUCH better than mozilla 1.4/1.5, and tends to perform all operations very quickly
  • Red-SquirrelRed-Squirrel Ontario, Canada
    edited November 2003
    that's nice to hear, I'll give it a try. Will I be able to convert my current email settings? I have like 6 accounts all convigured and don't want to go through the configuration just to switch.
  • edited November 2003
    I use Zero Popup but its not free!
  • NebulousNebulous New York, The Empire State
    edited November 2003
    Free Surfer MKII.

    Kills pop-ups dead! I garantee it. Easy to use and it's just awsome. I use it and it werks like a charm.

    Oh, btw it's Freeeeee. Just go to the menu on the left and click on downloads.

    Have fun-
  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited November 2003
    I ended up going with the google toolbar and it seems to be working fine.
  • BruceYBruceY S. Jersey
    edited November 2003
    I use Panicware's Popup Stopper. Its free and I got it at one of the magazine download sites or try
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