kt3 ultra aru using bios 5.7/which amd cpu to upgrade to

chuckrobbins4chuckrobbins4 Sun Valley California
edited November 2003 in Hardware
Recently downloaded and flashed msi amd 5.7 bios for my year and half old kt3 ultra uru mother board. Read all specs for this
bios 5.7 version, however, the confusion is what is the fastest
cpu from amd will this board support, since the notes say
that the bios supports 3000 barton fsb 333 used with
msi's kt3 ultra 2. Will the support of this bios and kt3 ultra aru
work with the 3000, 2800, 333fsb's and the 2700 athion xp 333 fsb. or do you still have to go with the 2600 athion xp 266fsb as
stated on msi website about the previous bios 5.6 update.
Contacted amd cutomer service, but they said to contact msi.
read bios 5.7 forums from last june 2003 on other websites
but it seems no one reported that they are using 2700, 2800,
or 3000 fsb 333. They just quote the specs of 5.7 bios.
Can any one please let me know the correct info and about
ultra uru using 5.7 bios with which fastest amd cpu for my
situation. Thank you.
Chuck Robbins
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