Bad bios?

Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
edited February 2004 in Hardware
All I get is "checksum error, defaults loaded"
Tried to clear cmos and installed a new battery but when I press delete or F1 no response( can't get into bios)
The day before I was in bios trying to set up 2 120 GB WD drives in raid -0. This is a KT7A Raid motherboard (v1.3)
Any one got a dead kt7a raid board, maybe I could use the bios chip unless someone else can think of something. I also removed board and got same result outside of case. Could it be this new no name power supply. Oh, by the way this is a rma board.


  • edited November 2003
    You could always get a new chip from Here .

    Are you sure the keyboard connector didn't come out? I know stupid question but I have seen it happen.

    Have you tried removing the power from the system, removing the battery and moving the jumper to clear CMOS all together for a 10 minute time span? If not try that.

    I have chips here for that board that I could program but you would be faster served by badflash. They are on the East Coast.
  • Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
    edited November 2003
    Tried all that and more, wonder what caused it to go bad anyway? Found some here but not in a big hurry. Maybe since this is a rma board they will send me one or maybe another board, thanks for your input.
  • Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
    edited November 2003
    Abit is going to send me one however, can the old one be fixed or is it junk?
  • edited November 2003
    It could more than likely be fixed.

    Never 100% sure until it is done being programmed.
  • Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
    edited November 2003
    Tried the new bios chip but same result. Bad motherboard? I tried another stick of ram, another vid card, another processor, another power supply, new battery, a day of no battery without ps pluged in and cmos in clear position. Still have not tried flinging it out into the back yard but thinking about it.
    Any help?
    KT7A Raid board v1.3
  • edited November 2003
    Well the board was RMA'd for a reason by the other owner. Maybe Abit never fixed it.

    You may want to try a RMA again.

    Are you sure they sent you the right flash on that chip?
  • Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
    edited February 2004
    Instead of the KT7A-Raid board they sent me a NF7-S. I set this board on a anti-static bag, hooked it up, made sure all connections were + to +, - to - on speaker,reset etc.....
    Installed processor with heatsink properly placed, video card and 1 stick of 256mb ddr.
    When I power up I get as far as "press delete to enter setup" and thats as far as I can go. Tried 2 keyboards, 2 processors, a new antec 550 power supply. This is the second board in a row that I recieved from the Abit rma dept that has given me a similar problem. I am starting to doubt myself although I have built 10 plus computers. What could I be overlooking. I get what seems to be 2 correct beeps each time I start. Wish I had a good spare bios on hand to swap out with.
  • edited February 2004
    You sure it is not your power supply?
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