Monitor? Video Card blunder...

edited November 2003 in Hardware
Please I need help.

I updated to Microsoft Windows Xp Pro edition after setting up my computer I decided to install the drivers from for the pci card. Once I setup the drivers it asked me for a reboot, once I rebooted my computer , it asked me if my monitor was connected? (That happens when the monitor isnt connected)

I get no startup screen, its my monitor isnt being recognized....

The computer in question is an old onboard video PC Hp 8650c.

Here are the details.
I narrowed it down to the following, Hard drive, monitor and and video cards.

My monitor works on my second computer. So I know the monitor is fine. So that leaves the hard drive and video card.

The hard drive in the HP functions in the second computer. So that elimnates both the hard drive and the monitor not functioning. (I even went as far as reformmating the hard drive to get the generic drivers back) I put the HD back into the hp computer (the hp is the one that doesnt work) I get the same error, "in a blue rectangular box: Monitor Connected?"

I recently bought a graphics card to replace because i thought that might be the problem. The video card. However upon putting it into the computer. It still does not pick up my screen. The monitor isnt activating like it should. I should get something... something at all, I dont even see the start up screen.

I used a previously PCI card on this machine with no problems. What else could be wrong? I am completely baffled as to this.


  • NYCDrewNYCDrew NYC(duh)
    edited November 2003
    Originally posted by KingofCaveMen

    The computer in question is an old onboard video PC Hp 8650c.

    It's sounding to me like one of two things. Either the BIOS is looking for the moniter on the on board video, or your video card isn't seated right. I'd bet more that the BIOS is directing the computer to look for a moniter plugged into the onboard video.

    Try going into the BIOS and disabling the onboard video.
  • edited November 2003
    I cant even enter the bios.. my monitor isn't working correctly.
  • NYCDrewNYCDrew NYC(duh)
    edited November 2003
    Have you tried plugging the moniter into the onboard video?
  • NYCDrewNYCDrew NYC(duh)
    edited November 2003
  • edited November 2003
    I also tried the video card in all 4 slots of pci with no others, also into the onboard slot.

    I took it to a technican... he then told me it was the power supply. Does that make sense?
  • R4CK3RR4CK3R Oklahoma
    edited November 2003
    not really...

    it's gotta be the BIOS

    I've had the same problem in the past and it was just the settings in the BIOS.

    If it doesn't detect the monitor either plugged into the PCI card or the onboard VGA port then try flashing the BIOS...

    BTW>>> did you take the PCI card out when you tried the onboard graphics?
  • ramdexramdex Tucson
    edited November 2003
    Also, do you have an agp, if you do look and make sure it is looking for a PCI video card. Most it doesnt matter but you should double check anyways
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