New PC won't power up
I'm building a PC. It's my first attempt. I got as far as the first boot. When I turn on the power nothing happens. No fan, no beeps...nothing. I thought it might be the power supply, so I hooked up another PS that I know works to the MB and still nothing happened. I removed the MB from the case and tried to boot it out of the case. It still didn't work. I removed and reset the memory and the video card and reset the CMOS with no luck.
My system is as follows:
No name case
AMD 2400
I'm not sure what to try next. Any help would be much appreciated.
My system is as follows:
No name case
AMD 2400
I'm not sure what to try next. Any help would be much appreciated.
Also when u power it up doen it make anynoise or attept to power up?
i would look at all the pins and all the conectors from the PS. Also check the pins and connections on the case switches to(positive end and all those)