Just a quick poll to see where everyone stands. I've got 512 and was thinking about upgrading. Running Win2000 and simulation type games. (ie Rise of Nations)
Used to be 640 but had to take out 128 to run a second machine. I can really feel the difference in games and find I worry a lot more about programs not freeing ram and have even found myself restarting to get some back. Something I never thought I would do with XP..
768MB in both Dell Inspiron and Apple Powerbook... going from 512 -> 768 helped me out quite a bit. Battlefield1942 no longer has to page things whenever I issue a voice command and stuff.
I used to have 768(SDRAM) in it when it was an Athlon 700 but since I had to get a new mb utililizing a 1.2ghz Athlon I've got 256(DDR). When I get some extra money I'll start to buy more.
512 here. I may or may not get another 512, not sure. I really don't see and hogging by windows with games and stuff. if i do then i'll slap another 2-256mb sticks of the same stuff as to not lose speed and performance
Ditto here on the 512, next upgrade will be more RAM. My prob is they don't make my "EXACT" RAM any more, so I stuck trying to figure out the best "match" to my single stick Muskin PC3000.
2 512 sticks running dual channel for 1 gig. I definately notice a difference from 512. I set it so WinXP loads into a protected area of RAM that doesn't get written over. It makes it work faster.
Sorry it took so long to reply. I lost track of this thread. I used a tweak found in Winguides to force the core windows system to be kept in memory. You can find instructions to do it here:
I have 256 DDRAM (333mhz) and its a pain in the ass. I can't wait to get a 512 DD 333 chip as soon as possible. With 256 my Dark Age of Camelot loading times increase the longer I play until it takes like 2-3 minutes for a loading screen. As for Star Wars Galaxies, the game jumps in cities like hell whenever I move and the hard drive constantly gives off sound like its working very hard. Nerf paging files!
My only real issue is, should I buy regular DDRAM for $90 or "Kingston" DDRAM for $100 (supposedly better). And if I buy the Kingston 512 chip will it cooperate with my current 256dd chip and not lose out on speed.
I'll take suggestions if anyone wants.
I'd never have less than this again.
when i build my new computer it's gonna be 512 pc-2700
Is it possible to do the same with Windows 2000?
I have 512 DDR pc2100 in both my labtop and main rig.Only programs that Iuse that love to eat are photoshop and Desert Combat
is that sig allowed? i think you can tell what's going on in the other part of the picture
...got a link to the original?
It speeds things up for me.
My only real issue is, should I buy regular DDRAM for $90 or "Kingston" DDRAM for $100 (supposedly better). And if I buy the Kingston 512 chip will it cooperate with my current 256dd chip and not lose out on speed.
Want 1GB