Rebooting on 'new file' or 'save' to new HDD...

edited December 2003 in Hardware
I've just fitted two Hitachi 7K250 120Gb HDDs onto IDE3 and IDE4, formatted NTFS (for video capture and mpeg output, not set up as RAID array).

I'm capturing ok, but if I try something simple like creating a new notepad text document, or creating a folder, or copying a file there, the system reboots. I seem to need to set up a scandisk on reboot before it'll accept such a move.

Suggestions or ideas very welcome!


  • verselloversello New
    edited December 2003
    You could try booting to the recovery console and chkdsk it... but I'm a little skeptical if that will fix your problems because it sounds like you have a hardware issue here.
  • edited December 2003
    Okeydokey versello
    Thanks for the reply.
    Agreed, 'h/w issue' likely, but where what why etc... :-/
    I see more stumbling around in the dark ahead...!
  • edited December 2003
    Sorted (I think).

    After another episode, which resulted in not even being able to use CHKDSK (blue screen error 50), I reformatted them to fat32 using W98 (dual-boot setup here), whereupon they behaved faultlessly.

    I realised my probable mistake was to use Partition Magic for the first format (and to resize the clusters to 64k).

    I decided to reformat to NTFS using XP (windows explorer rt click), which took a whole lot longer, and which seems to have done the trick. I then used PM to resize the clusters.

    So far so good...
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited December 2003
    Partition Magic can cause nightmares....horrible, horrible nightmares. When it works it's good but I've seen more people trash hdd's with it then almost any other software.
  • edited December 2003
    Well, apart from this weirdness (I mean, why does it pretend it's formatted when it's just skittered about a bit?), I've found PM just plain excellent. Never any problem - and I've partitioned drives like I was chopping carrots...

    What just trashed my other HD (an IBM 75GXP so I guess some people will be nodding their heads in a 'not surprised' manner) was using Pinnacle Studio to turn a 13Gb AVI into a DVD-able MPEG on that one HD: that's a lot of head-dancing, and I think it just thrashed itself to death. So from now on it's translating from one HD onto another for me...
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