Frontpage/IIS Problem

karatekidkaratekid Ogdensburg, NY
edited December 2003 in Science & Tech
Here is the deal, I am trying to build this website with FrontPage 2000 and I have installed Windows XP's IIS server, complete with FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions. I can publish pages just fine, and they are displayed though the webserver. The problem comes with ASP files. Once again, they get published, but if I try to view the ASP file from a browser, (by typing http://localhost/apage.asp) the browser gets stuck when loading the page. I don't get any error messages, and it never times out, but the browser will "load" the page forever (and I do mean forever, I have left it doing this for a half and hour with no luck,) never actually displaying it. I am thinking this is more of a problem with IIS, but I can't figure out what I have to do to make this work right. I need help.:confused:


  • edited December 2003
    Post your ASP Code, and also just try this:


    response.write "Hello"

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