Anyone Work for AMD?
hiya, does anyone work for AMD heere please?
if you do, could you email me please
thank you
if you do, could you email me please
thank you

im looking for someone that works for AMD to pay to send me some dead cpu's.
can you email me please
if i work for AMD, i GET to pay you to send you my dead cpu's? is that right? i just feel like...i would be getting the short end of the stick . . .
IM looking to pay someone. to send me CPU's. which are dead.
really need to find someone willing to send me 20 odd a mth from amd/intel
i dont want to buy them off AMD, i want to pay you/other person to send me some.
im not going to rma them with AMD, (when amd last sent me some, they marked them with a big X on the bottom)
so its not a 'nice try' its a serious question.
the cpu's will be used in my art class, making a cpu component sculpture
but its finding a steady flow of them atm, (i resell them on you see)
dont be so quick to judge
you could go dumbster diving somewhere