The Associated Program Of *.ISO
The Hong Kong SAR, China
When downloading files from the Internet, I often come across compressed files with extension ".ISO". I also found that *.ISO file was more reliable than *.RAR file. I would like to know how those *.ISO files are made or what associated program are those files made with. Could somebody help me to get the answer?
When downloading files from the Internet, I often come across compressed files with extension ".ISO". I also found that *.ISO file was more reliable than *.RAR file. I would like to know how those *.ISO files are made or what associated program are those files made with. Could somebody help me to get the answer?
Yeah you can, though the easiest way, rather than burning ISO files that you have downloaded, is to mount them with something like Alcohol 120% or Daemon-Tools.
I burned CDs with Nero too and I also extracted ISO file with WinRAR.
After consulting the User Manual of Nero, I sucessfully created ISO files (Image Files) from original CDs. It's as easy as burning from files to CD. The only difference is that you have to choose the "Image Recorder" instead of the CD burner at the beginning of the process.
Thank you all for the help.