UT Server

HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
edited December 2003 in Gaming
Well Gang, Here's the UT server for some fun. I'm sharing it with Shortmedia, Icrontic, Addaboy & Ultra Gaming Center.
Attn; Mods--Could you sticky this in the gaming section please. Thnx
Here's the list of maps:
Assault Maps:
Domination Maps:
Deathmatch Maps:
3rdSpacebeacon,1940'sRAF,AlienUnderwaterBase,Barricade,Codex,Conveyor,CurseII,Deck16-II,EyeOftheStorm, Fetid,Fractal,Gothic,Grinder,HuntingCabin,Hyperblast,KGalleon,Liandri,MorbiasII,Morpheus,Oblivion, Peak,Phobos,Pressure,Pyramid,Stalwart,StalwartXL,Tempest,Turbine,Zeto.
Capture The Flag Maps:
2PyramidsII,2Rocks,3Towers,AahuNui,AbbeyOfAnkara,Accelerator2,AceOfSpace,Achtung,Adobie,AF-Capitulate100,AgedVsAlien,AirRaid2!,Alchemy,AllYourBase_fixed,AncientFortress,AnthonyBsDomain1a,Antipody,Aquacore2002,AquamarineX32,AvrilVSBritney,AztekPyramidsII,B3RedNeckWoody,BackYard,BadNeighbors- SnowVersion,BattleChess,BattleInTheBathroom-SE,BigBridge,BoomBoomBridgeII,BorrowedBlue, CastleOrn,10,Celtic_LairII,Command,Coret,Decyberbridge2,Dreary,EgyptWorld,EternalCave,Face,Facingdragons,Frogger,Gauntlet,GraveDiggerv3,HallOfGiantsII,HolidayOnIce,HowlingGods,Iquacu,LaputaII,LavaGiant,Mckinley,Niven,November.

The IP is (In your UT game right click on blank area of your favorites and click Add New IP) Add name & IP.
Ok, Thats the Maps. Here's <http://nalicity.beyondunreal.com/search.php?simple=1> the Link to fast downloading. And here's <http://www.melative.com/tc/links.php> the link for UT map manager that will load you maps into your UT game after you DL them to a file on your pc. It tells you how to run it, in the program.Here's a link to bdbmapvote 3.04 http://www.planetunreal.com/BDBUnreal/ . And UTPure RC6E http://www.unrealadmin.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=24 . If you have a favorite map you would like on the server, just let me know and I'll try to get it on there. I'm also working on getting a mapredirect set up on the server so when you go to the game it will redirect and download the map fast for you. Happy Fraggin! Hawk
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