mp3 conversion
New York
Is there any way to convert real media into mp3?
see photo
"...If they're protected you have to burn them to an audio CD and then rip them as mp3. I don't know of any other way..."
and dont forget...
"'re tinkering with a file that's already compressed and you'll lose some sound quality..."
try here for maybe an app and codec that will do this better...maybe...
M4b??? I see M4a and stuff... wtf...
Works on most (not all) .ra files.
EDIT: I noticed that the link I provided is to an older version (1998). Searching around for ra2wav might find you a newer one. RealAudio sued to have the converter declared illegal, so you might have to really hunt for it. I guess they're so proud of their "quality" spyware. Er, I mean "program".
see photo
hymn is a CLI. if you're doing this on windows, get the .zip file.
iOpener is a GUI that works with iTunes.
pick your poison. I've had some songs that wouldn't work with hymn, but would with iOpener, and some the other way around.