Di-604 Help - Can't see other computers

edited January 2004 in Science & Tech
Cable modem --> DI-604 --> Linksys WRT54G (wireless)

I can see internet from all computers

DiLink has Computer A and Computer B attached via Cat V
Wireless has Computer C and Computer D

In DiLink Configuration all computers are assigned a dynamic IP

From computer A I can Remote Desktop into Computer B. Same from Computer C.

The problem:

Can't see shared folders from any computer.

Has to be a simple setting. Ran the wizard, no help. Called DiLink, say it's not their problem.




  • paroxymparoxym Toronto, Canada
    edited December 2003
    As a D-Link junior tech I can attest for the fact that they declined supporting your problem as it is a function of the OS rather than a Dlink product problem.
    To start off we should establsh what OS you are running on each computer.

    Also, practically networked is a good resource for setting up basic file sharing between Win operating systems and you can consult that page if this thread doesnt recieve any attention.
  • edited December 2003
    I'm using Win XP Pro on all machines. Prior to hooking the Dlink in to the stream I jus had cable modem and Linksys. The network functions worked fine with that. Until I added the Dlink in.

    I'm up for any suggestions.

  • paroxymparoxym Toronto, Canada
    edited December 2003
    Make sure you have shared folders on at least one of the computers. Then, in IE or Explorer, type in the address bar \\"computer name", or the network IP (192.168.0.X). You should be able to access the shared folders on that computer.
    Give that a shot and let us know if it works out.
  • edited December 2003
    All computers have at least 1 shared folder on it. I've tried getting to them by name and IP. Can't see them. The Dlink router can see every PC, hence internet from any machine.

    I've got DHCP disable on the linksys so they are dynamically assigned at the Dlink.
  • verselloversello New
    edited December 2003
    Originally posted by Paroxym
    As a D-Link junior tech I can attest for the fact that they declined supporting your problem as it is a function of the OS rather than a Dlink product problem.
    To start off we should establsh what OS you are running on each computer.

    Also, practically networked is a good resource for setting up basic file sharing between Win operating systems and you can consult that page if this thread doesnt recieve any attention.

    whoa, D-Link junior tech. neato. I better watch what I say about D-Link then :D Last time I emailed them coz the internet website filter wasn't working in their wireless 614+ router, they just told me to use internet explorer's zone filtering, lol...*ahem*...
  • edited January 2004
    Hey, save the bashing till I get this figured out.
  • verselloversello New
    edited January 2004
    Originally posted by JimDuncan
    Hey, save the bashing till I get this figured out.

    Bashing? Where?

    Anyways, computer A and B can't see each other's shared folders?
  • paroxymparoxym Toronto, Canada
    edited January 2004
    Versello - I'm the first to admit that our tech support can be shoddy at times and that our products have been known to be flaky on occasion. :p For the most part though Dlink makes pretty good home networking products,

    JimDuncan - Thats strange that you are not able to access other folders by using the name or IP. Have you made sure that the logins on all the XP machines are the same? Try mirroring the logins on all the computers on the network.
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