Extra HD's on a Epox8k7A+
I curently have a 20gig ATA100 Segate and a 120gig ATA100 WestDigital on my UIDE #1 on same 80pin ribbon. Boots fine into Win2K. I have a cdrom and a cd-rw on a 40pin cable going to IDE #1. They too work fine. What I want to do is hookup 2 ata 66 drives to IDE#2. Upon boot up I get NTDLR missing. I did have them working a for a short while intill I tried them on UIDE#2. The system hung at a "starting windows" screen, so I put them back onto the regular IDE channel. Now I keep getting the above message. I disconnected the drives and am now just running the 2 UIDE drives. I have a few 4gig drives laying about and just wanted to slap them in for a little extra storage. I'm planning on doing some video editing soon.:(
ps running Win2kpro sp4
Thanks Bruce
ps running Win2kpro sp4
Thanks Bruce