Page File Usage
Um, I have been looking at my PF usage over the past few months to see what it does. I still have no idea. Is having 512 pc2700 and it saying in WTM that I have 241mb good? It use to be like 150-175, but lately it has gone up. Anyone know anything about it?
XP isn't bad for setting the Page File manually, but I found 98se developed memory leaks and had to be run with "let Windows manage virtual memory" or IE would grind to a halt.
Having a bigger page file isn't necessarily bad either, depending on if you use memory-hungry programs.
From what I used to be told, a page file 1.5 times the size of your RAM was the sweet spot, but these days it's like an achille's heel - with gigs'o'ram, a big page file would slow your computer down as Windows plows through it.
I set mine to = the size of my RAM now.
The old formula was Initial size +12MB your system RAM, Max size 4 times your system RAM.
So, with my current setup it would be 524 initial and 2048 max... I don't think so!