Booting from disk
I have 2 HDD in my comp. Something happened to the one that it wasn't working right so I ran off what I will call the older one to keep it simple. I took it in and had the guy who built the system look at it and he fixed it to where the newer HDD worked but it was the only one plugged in. When I plugged the older HDD in to get a few files off of it the system started using it to run WIndows (I have Windows on both). I unplugged that one and now the only way to get the new HDD to boot is to use the boot disk. How can I fix this?
Is the drive detected in the BIOS?
So far there are only 2 things that spring to mind..
Check the power cable and if that is good use the recovery console to fix your MBR.
I'm afraid your hdd is fuxxord.
That's my opinion, anyway.
Good Luck!
Hook up the drive you want to use for the system drive making sure it's jumpered as either master or cable select (which I'm assuming is the one the system WON'T boot off of now) and that it is the only hdd on the system;
Put the XP install disk into the cd-rom and boot the computer, going into the bios to make sure it's set to boot from the cd drive;
It'll ask you what you want to do, tell it to install windows;
After a little time, it will come up and ask again what you want to do, as it has found another installation of Windows on the disk. Tell it to repair that installation, let it do it, and you should be good to go.
Good Luck
P.S. If anyone has any other comments, please post them as this is only one man's opinion!
Then you have to check in your bios to make sure that the boot order is CDRom first. Put the windows Disc in the cdrom and reboot the machine.
This should pull up a promt saying press any key to boot from cd:
That will boot the XP cd and then it'll ask what you want to do repair or install. Choose install it'll then probably say that it sees an installation of XP already on the drive and want to repair it. Tell it to not repair it but you want to do a clean install.
This should then ask what partition you want it on and show you the partition table for that drive. At that screen delete and recreate the partition on that drive. Then you have to do a Format either Fat32 or NTFS...I recommend NTFS. That should then start the installation.
Follow the instructions from there. When finished I'd make a folder on the new hdd called olddrive back up the stuff from the old drive to it then do a complete format of the drive and remake the partition on it to make sure it no longer has any boot info on it.