Thermal Paste dilemma
Hello, I've been recently thinking about buying thermal paste. I have already gotten suggestions to get the Artic Silver 3 or 5 from this forum. But when my friend heard, he said I shouldn't because anything with silver will transfer electricity and can burn your cpu. He rather said to buy a ceramique Artic. I would like to use the thermal paste on my Amd Athlon Xp 2000+. Is artic silver guaranteed to be safe and it actually does not transfer electricity? I suppose my friend was wrong? (would be stupid to sell stuff that burns your cpu anyway lol)
Are there any guides on applying it on your cpu?
Should I get the artic silver and be 100% sure nothing will be wrong, or rather get that ceramique?
Are there any guides on applying it on your cpu?
Should I get the artic silver and be 100% sure nothing will be wrong, or rather get that ceramique?
The rumor that your friend started is not 100% correct. Yes it might be slightly conductive because of the silver in it, but it will not "burn" or "fry" your cpu, that's bogus. If the AS3 happens to make contact with the dots ( bridges) on the cpu, the cpu will malfunction and you'll get errors, not kill it. Just wipe off with alcohol or nail polish remover and that's it. Cpu will live.
Your friend needs to do some more research if he lives by this rule.
Do AMD still not offer a warrenty on CPUs where silver based thermal paste has been used?
If you are careful you shouldnt run into any problems.
On another hand, you guys know any good tutorials for that? (like how much of it to put, where to put it, etc.)
Suggestion: one of you guys from the Icrontic site, should make a tutorial on it - I did not find anything relating to thermal paste in the archives.
This only applies to boxed processors that come with the AMD heatsink. OEM (tray) processors have no AMD warranty at all.
Colin Thompson
Arctic Silver, Inc.
And what neb said, is correct. The only chance of error is if the compound you're using goes-where-it-shouldnt-go.
Thanks for stopping in, hope to see you around here more!
I'll check in as time allows. I was a regular on the old Icrontic forums.
Which would be the best choice for a AMD Athlon XP 2000+?
My stupid guess is: Arctic Silver 5 is an upgraded version of 3, and Ceramique is for people who want to feel safe
Probably get AS3 or 5 for regular cpu->heatsink cooling.
Thanks massive for the link, now I know I gotta apply it to the heatsink also, rub it in, and wipe it off from the heatsink.
To spread the dab on the core I use a razor blade. Gives a nice smooooth thin layer.:D
That stuff is hella HARD to wash off!
I cunur.
Also I noticed Mr. Thompson did say "It's easy to see a 3 to 4 C rise in temps on our test rigs when using a bare finger to apply compounds." So someone was brave enough to use bare fingers? (..and upon second inspection of this thread I noticed Versello commented It's hella hard to wash off) Well nerf
My plan will be to:
put a dab on the bottom of heatsink, shove my hand in a plastic bag, then with round movements try to spread the thermal paste, then with some kind of cloth or kleenex (kleenex tissues good for that you think? or not?) material wipe off the paste and hope bits of it are stuck in the microscopic heatsink ridges
then put a dab of it on the processor core and use a precision tool to coat it perfectly as suggested on the official arctic site
With what should I clean off my amd athlon xp processor core, can I do it with high percantage alcholol (95% alcohol - dont know the name in english, in my country we call it "spirytus") and with some tissue? (kleenexes are a no, they leave white particles of cloth I'm guessing)
Choose wisely.;)
Coffee filter........ plenty of those!
cOfFeE, CoFfEe....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm Zuntar drools.
Its CCW from XtremeSystems, wrote an AS5 review a little while back.
Anyone in doubt, buy Arctic Silver 5 over Arctic Silver 3. Its much better, got 4 tubes here, I like to stock up.Ceramique based pastes are good for when your cooling below 0*C (Freezing point of water) so for Chilled Watercooling/T.E.C/Phase Change systems a Ceramique based paste is best. The Arctic Silver pastes arent designed to be run at really low temps.