Yes, I have forgotten how to netsend in 2K and XP, how u do it?

yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
edited February 2004 in Science & Tech
Okay, its been over a year since I used netsent at school. Now I have my own tiny network and would like to netsend, can someone tell me the proper command prompt? I thought it was simply

netsend***~~~ *** = computer name, ~~~ = message

This does not work, however.


  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited February 2004
    i think it works like this

    net send hey there yagga

    dont forget the space between net and send. and the ip can be exchanged with a computer name. at least i believe thats how it works. but, i THINK net send is an icmp packet, which some isps and routers disable those, but not sure . . .
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited February 2004
    Great, I got it to work with the computer name. I have to figure out the exact ip its somewhere between and for both computers.

    I also forgot exactly how to send infinity amount of net sends. I know I need to go to "new text document" and type something in like:

    net send computername hello there

    but I don't remember where to go from there. dang I wish the school would enable it again. Only a few people, including me knew how to do this, we had so much fun.;) I also like the "*" in place of the computer name trick, but not as often.
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited February 2004
    well, i mean, i dont mind helping you, but lets not have any tomfoolery going on here. for some reason, i cant imagine anything good coming out of infinity net send's . . .
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited February 2004
    hey, i just forgot. I would just like to remember. I was gonna test it on myself. Both computers are mine, I just don't like not knowing stuff.

    An example, if I knew how to make 10-20 different illegal drugs would I do it, no, its just stupid, but I am aware of it.

    By the way, the router ip does not work, I must use the computer name.

    Ok, i remember i have to name is a .bat file. still working on it...
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited February 2004
    yeah, the actual router ip (if linksys, by default, and if netgear by default) will almost certainly have this disabled. but ips and netbios names will work. and a .bat file is certainly a way you could do this . . .
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited February 2004
    I really have know idea about all these technical things in computing like prompts. I can only learn though. (I don't even know exactly what a .bat file is, is this sad?)

    When I saved it as a .bat file i was able to get it to send one message to the computer, only one, I must be missing something, anyone know what it is? I think I have to add something in the text document, something in computer language that says "repeat" or "loop" 2 or so lines underneith the net send line.
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited February 2004
    Ok, i have found a command prompt to infinitely send messages:

    echo off
    net send nameorip message
    goto LOOP

    HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT, I REPEAT NOT THE WAY I DID IT LAST YEAR AT SCHOOL. I thought I simply typed the net send prompt, went 2 lines down and typed .bak or something, I think I got .bak confused with .bat though .bak doesn't mean anything I think.

    If anyone knows a different way of doing this please post.
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