Ideas on what is the problem

ramdexramdex Tucson
edited February 2004 in Hardware
I got this computer that seems to always do random restarts and will hang up. I had replaced the PS with a more powerfull one and it seemed to fix it for awile but now its doing it again.

Here is what happened from the begining.
It would start up and go "your computer has been recently shut down inproperly because of power failure or something..." Then you have safe mode and all those options. When you go to normal mode it would most of the time give some weird text like something wrong with the HD, then restart. It was also making a weid noise that was not comming from the HD. I saw for what he has he didn't have a big PS so I got a new one and it seemed to fix it. Well after a few days it started to resart randomly again and not post. Once I shut it down and left it for a few and started it again it started fine. I dunno what could be doing this sence I originaly thought that it was the PS. I am now thing the HD or maybe that weird noise is the CPU fan.

Let me know what you think.


  • HalOfBorgHalOfBorg West Virginia
    edited February 2004
    Sounds like heat. Are all fans running? Heatsinks clogged with dust? Is there an airfilter that needs cleaned?

    Try running it with the case open, blow a fan into it. If better, then heat seems to be the problem.
  • ramdexramdex Tucson
    edited February 2004
    i sprayed it before so dust isnt an issue
  • NebulousNebulous New York, The Empire State
    edited February 2004
    Try removing the heatsink from the cpu, clean it off with alcohol and clean off the cpu. Use some fresh thermal paste and remount the heatsink.
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited February 2004
    It could also be that your CPU is not seated propperly. I've run into this similar problem on some older boards where the cpu could tilt a little bit and that caused this problem.
  • ramdexramdex Tucson
    edited February 2004
    i need to get some thermal paste. I dont have any right now but I will try that.

    Another thing is that itll make a loud noise that sounds like a car trying to start up. Its has to be a fan or something because I dont know what would make that noise.
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