Forum/Site Upgrades

AranyicAranyic Casstown, OH Icrontian
edited February 2004 in Community
Ok the forums and site are now upgraded, it's time for you guys to give your input. What do you want to see changed a bit possibly, what forum hacks would you like to see added ( Any problems you find please let me know.

At the moment attachments are down , I had some minor trouble converting them. They will hopefully be up within 24 hours.

I'd like to thank versello for all the excellent coding and graphics work.



  • AranyicAranyic Casstown, OH Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    I'm also aware of/working to fix the cookie issues.

  • ZuntarZuntar North Carolina Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    OK, the log in thing is very screwy!
    i can't tell if I am logged in or not. I logged in at the forums, then I had to log in again to post a comment, and i had to log in AGAIN to post this reply. :(

    After logging in tothe forums I could see that I was the only user online (at the bottom of the page, but I could see at the top right that i was logged in (like I can see right now, as i am typing).

    Hope this helps. ;)
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited February 2004
    Yeah same problems here I log in but then check the stuff at the bottom and it says I can't post, can't reply, can't fart etc...etc...etc...

    Also the whole board just seems to be running slower then it did before.

    I like the color scheme but not a big fan of the layout. I'm sure it'll just take some getting used to but it's not as easy to navigate around as it was before.
  • citrixmetacitrixmeta Montreal, Quebec Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    some users cannot login to the forums.
  • AranyicAranyic Casstown, OH Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Ok I think I got it :) I had to reset some stuff though so it'll be a couple minutes before the forums are totally back to normal. Is the change working for everyone?

  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited February 2004
    i am totally diggin it guys!!! i think the new colors really work well. i had the same problems as the guys above last night with cookies and what not, but it all seems to be working great now. anyway, good job folks :D . . .
  • verselloversello New
    edited February 2004
    kryyst wrote:
    I like the color scheme but not a big fan of the layout. I'm sure it'll just take some getting used to but it's not as easy to navigate around as it was before.

    Do you mean the forum layout? I'm not really a big fan of it as well but expect some refinements in the following week.
  • AranyicAranyic Casstown, OH Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    kryyst wrote:
    Also the whole board just seems to be running slower then it did before.
    I made a couple changes, speeds any better now?

  • Nive11enNive11en Europe
    edited February 2004
    I think you need to lighten up some parts of the website as well as the forums. The colors need to be adjusted a bit more. The color scheme is really sleek and I love it. But still needs some final touches.

    I've already suggested to Versello - there should be 4 skins possible, 2 for the website (one black based (the current) and one white based) and 2 skins for forum (white and black). That would be best imo. The white skins should have orange in them just as the current superb black skin.

    I find that I love the new color scheme, but my eyes kind of are complaining - they aren't hurting, but just when looking at either website or the forums, it well feels strange. Dunno why, it does. :o This is why I will be pushing for a white based skin for icrontic and icronticforums!
    User customization for teh win!

    Also, btw, the cookie/login issues seem completely fixed for me! It seems to be working better than before even.
  • Nive11enNive11en Europe
    edited February 2004
    Ok, I just found this little issue that deserves a separate post. I cannot add an avatar. Here is a picture, there is no option to add one, im attaching the picture and also its available at

    Um., there seems to be no button/box to attach an image, oh well :) and upon editing this post the IMG tags dont work, the IMG tag doesnt display the image but the link only, as you see below this text it should display the image because its in IMG tags, but it only displays the link yet another time..
  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited February 2004
    I like cheese!

    Nevermind, like the new face for the forums :)
  • ZuntarZuntar North Carolina Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Im diggin it better every time. Goes well with my avatar! :D
  • AranyicAranyic Casstown, OH Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Nive11en: hope I don't miss anything, here we go.

    <ul>There will be a light skin for the forums soon, it's something I've had plans for since we started redesigning the site but I kinda wanted to get it up and going. I'm not totally sure about getting the lighter skin on the main page but I'll look into that.</ul>

    <ul>Fixed, thanks for bringing them to my attention. Just something I didn't realise was changed during the upgrade</ul>

    Img Tags:
    <ul>They are working properly I believe, for the image to show up and not a link the url needs to end in the extention of a image file. I'll look into it to be sure though.</ul>

    <ul>They are temporarily down as I had some trouble upgrading them. The only way I could keep from losing all the old ones was disabling them for a day or two</ul>

    I think I got everything :) thanks for the input.

  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    All the threads are coming up with errors on the pages :-/

    Looks great, Aranyic. That was a lot of work I know and you guys did a great job with it :)
  • Nive11enNive11en Europe
    edited February 2004
    Aranyic wrote:
    Img Tags:
    <ul>They are working properly I believe, for the image to show up and not a link the url needs to end in the extention of a image file. I'll look into it to be sure though.</ul>
    Extension of a file? Ack, I'm using the free image service and as You see they don't end in image extensions. Maybe there is a way in PHP to check the type of the file and then decide if it can be displayed?
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited February 2004
    One thing about the lighter color scheme is to take in possible solutions from members. take a screenie of the index page and change everthing. Post the changed page for submission. Maybe your colors will be used. Just a thought.
  • hitokirihitokiri NYC
    edited February 2004
    I am totally loving the new color scheme/layout. Awesome job guys!
  • SpYSpY
    edited February 2004
    looks killer guys. im definately diggin it. ive had icrontic as my homepage for over 3 yrs and used to be on the forums all the time... then we lost our post count and the site changed hands and yadda yadda i havent been on the boards in 4ever. but damn this really grabbed my attention when i popped open opera this morning. its like a breath of fresh air :) awesome work guys!
  • maggie99635maggie99635 Alaska
    edited February 2004
    I can't seem to stay logged into the forums. Once I'm in, I stay in but if I leave I have to login again. ARGHH. I stay logged into just fine. I tried coming in through Icrontic but that didn't work I've changed the shortcut numerous times trying to get it to stick. flushed dns. Put it in the trusted zone.
    Looks great!
    Shoot forget it . One thing I didn't do was delete the old cookie. Now it works.
  • verselloversello New
    edited February 2004
    maggie wrote:
    I can't seem to stay logged into the forums. Once I'm in, I stay in but if I leave I have to login again. ARGHH. I stay logged into just fine. I tried coming in through Icrontic but that didn't work I've changed the shortcut numerous times trying to get it to stick. flushed dns. Put it in the trusted zone.
    Looks great!
    Shoot forget it . One thing I didn't do was delete the old cookie. Now it works.

    Hey, glad you got it working. Just fyi tho, logging into the site is different than logging into the forums. Unfortunately they can't be linked together because of security implications beyond our control.

    If you have any comments on the design by all means :D Any colour schemes you'd like to see, etc.
  • maggie99635maggie99635 Alaska
    edited February 2004
    It was just desperation! I don't usually try going through there to get here.
  • HalOfBorgHalOfBorg West Virginia
    edited February 2004
    Is there ANY way to get the "Hot Threads" section back on the main page?

    I loved using that, always my first stop.

    (nevermind IF it's been done and I missed it)
  • verselloversello New
    edited February 2004
    Nive11en wrote:
    I think you need to lighten up some parts of the website as well as the forums. The colors need to be adjusted a bit more. The color scheme is really sleek and I love it. But still needs some final touches.

    I adjusted the colors a few hexes [on icrontic] so it shouldn't look as black as before. I tested it on various monitors / LCD's. If it still looks black your monitor is seriously too dim then :p
    mmonnin wrote:
    One thing about the lighter color scheme is to take in possible solutions from members. take a screenie of the index page and change everthing. Post the changed page for submission. Maybe your colors will be used. Just a thought.

    I've been toying around with various colour combos. Expect something for nearly everyone ;)
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited February 2004
    Now this is better, quick reply box links at the bottom of the page....ahhh yes feels more like home again.
  • Nive11enNive11en Europe
    edited February 2004
    Versello, now all You have to make is a Windows XP Icrontic Visual Theme just like the black/orange Icrontic website and forum. It would be great. ^^
  • verselloversello New
    edited February 2004
    Nive11en wrote:
    Versello, now all You have to make is a Windows XP Icrontic Visual Theme just like the black/orange Icrontic website and forum. It would be great. ^^

    Bite my shiney metal ass :p Skinning XP takes forever if you wanna do it properly :o
  • Nive11enNive11en Europe
    edited February 2004
    versello wrote:
    Bite my shiney metal ass :p Skinning XP takes forever if you wanna do it properly :o
    Bummer :D
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