Diminishing overclocked speed

NebulousNebulous New York, The Empire State
edited February 2004 in Hardware
I've been noticing every once in a while my rig would either lock up or just plain out crash and reboot. I checked my temps and my swiftech cpu block wasn't doing the job, so i spent most of yesterday gutting out the cyclops to swap out blocks. Got the DD maze3 back on and temps seem better, but my problem did'nt go away. I had to downclock from 3.6Ghz to 3.4Ghz. I took a peek at MBM5 and my dam 3.3v rail on my psu is dropping severly :eek:

My board is vmodded. I have the Vdimm mod to raise the voltage from the whimpy max of 2.85v up to a meaty 3.3v :D and also the vcore droop mod. The mod stabilizes the vcore fluctuations so the cpu gets a nice steady flow of current ;) . The 3.3v line is what feeds the voltage to the ram. if it dips below a certain point the ram will starve and natrually the pc will crash or lock up at high FSB's.

I was wondering why cyclops was crashing and locking up, but could'nt pinpoint the problem. Last night while i was running cyclops under loads, i quickly checked MBM5 again and sure enough found the culprit. My psu's +3.3v rail sank all the way down to 3.17v :rolleyes: . Looks like surgery time . I'll have to open up cyclop's heart (psu) and do a voltage bypass lol.

I'll post pics of the mod here ;)


  • phlipphlip hell
    edited February 2004
    I had a similar problem with my epox 8rda when i first got it the mem voltage wopuldnt chane when i adjusted it...its was stuck at 3.3v hehe naturaly i was happy hitting a max bus of 230 with maxtimings!but after a while the voltage for the mem dropped to 2.5 whcich is teh sucks.....but now i have a and abit nf7 mobo and am running my xp2600 at 2.2ghz and a bus of 4oo ddr......dam motherboard crapped out all toghether the otherday....
  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited February 2004
    Well, you could find some of that Bh5 memory and then you won't need the run your vdimm past 3.0/3.1v ;)
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