Anyone got any reccomendations for an ATX form factor 64-bit AMD mobo? Like what is the best, etc. Or do you know a good place with say a mobo roundup of reviews? If you have any recommendations for 32-bit of the same type I will take those too! Thnx!
That said, I find Tom's to be biased (I could say more, but I don't want to rant.) is one of my favorite hardware sites (besides Icrontic of course
What you need to do if you want to overclock is to either: Change mainboard to a NF3 based board so that you can use your videocard when you overclock. Chaintech is cheap and overclocks pretty nice. You can use Chaintechs bios for the FX boards on the NF3 so that you have multipliers again. It's the chipset that holds you back right now.
My system is 100% stable and Im about to buy some OCZ PC3700 Gold Dual Chn Rev 2 ram as this appears to be one ram which is capable of good speed on the asus board. FSB 243 @ timings of 2-2-3-6, decent overclock dont you agree?? see for yourself at;
If you have the same board just update your bios.. you will be impressed at how much better it will overclock.