"Poof" goes the psu
Well my Enermax psu went poof. Looks like the strain was a bit too much. Using a back up pos rig i just slapped together. Been looking at this baby. I luv those rails!
DC Output:
[Tim Allen] more power! ar ar ar ar ar![/Tim Allen]
DC Output:
[Tim Allen] more power! ar ar ar ar ar![/Tim Allen]
Gnomewizardd. nice psu! I'll look into it, thanx!
Hmmm, to mod or not? now I have to rethink the 3.3V mod.
It's like being a race car driver. You push it to the max, it blows, you build another one, lol.
Hopefully it'll hold till i get my new one Good to be back.
Rails now are:
+12v = 12.45v
+5v = 5.15v
+3.3v= 3.6v
If i need more voltage, all i do is get my trusty multimeter and turn a screw. Good to know i have the power, lol
Nope, Just a straight up 10k/15 turn VR potentiometer. I zero it out meaning I set it to 10k or make sure its set to 10k, then i connect the sensor wire to the 1st leg of the VR and the ground wire to the middle leg. Cut off the 3rd leg of the VR because it's not needed. Cover with tape or glue so it doesn't make contact with anything else. After soldering, jump the green and black wires from the ATX connector and power the psu up. Get a multimeter and set it to 20v DC. On the 3.3v rail you check the orange wire thru the AUX connector. Red to orange and black to ground. Start turning the VR clockwise slowly and watch the voltage on the rail go up. Be sure to mount the VR somewhere where it's easy to get to and not moving around. The legs are very fragile and can break off if you move it around too much.
When checking for the 5v and 12v rails, check them thru the molex connector. Same rule applies. Once you have your rails set to desired voltage, hook the puppy up to the mobo and power up. Put the pc on a load like folding or something and check the rails again. You might see a small fluctation so adjust if needed. That's it, done deal.
Be advised you do this at your own risk!
But of course!! Worst thing that could happen is I will have to buy a better PSU!
Yeah, but you gotta find te resistor, find it's value and do the mod which is a pain in the a$$ The sensor wire method is the easiest to do .
Have fun and keep me posted!