I for the most part have completed the fan mod. I have all four leds mounted and hooked up.
I did this mod slightly different then the others that citrixmeta pointed out at Overclockers.com. I used two different types of LEDs and placed them in parallel. One set of LEDs are blue, 460nm, 3.5V @ 30mA (From my company) the others are red 1.7V @ 20mA (from Radioshack).
Since the two sets have different requirements I did some checking, because its been to long since electronics school, and found this site LED Circuitry Tutorial. Check it out, it was informative.
I will hopfully get the time this weekend to hook it up, put the PSU back together and get some pics!
i dont even know where to begin.
Thanks citrix!
I've got a clear fan in my PSU thats in dire need of a few diodes!
I did this mod slightly different then the others that citrixmeta pointed out at Overclockers.com. I used two different types of LEDs and placed them in parallel. One set of LEDs are blue, 460nm, 3.5V @ 30mA (From my company) the others are red 1.7V @ 20mA (from Radioshack).
Since the two sets have different requirements I did some checking, because its been to long since electronics school, and found this site LED Circuitry Tutorial. Check it out, it was informative.
I will hopfully get the time this weekend to hook it up, put the PSU back together and get some pics!
My digital camera SUCKS, so the pics arn't that great, and the color in the pics isn't even close to real life. :o
connection of fan to PSU
Fan on and in!
I'm happy! :jelly: