Well i hate cisco too, but i had a linksys router go back after 200Gb of data traffic or 8 hours on my network. Now it wont even keep a ip anymore nor give me online after 2mins
where did your linksys router . . . go back . . . to? and man, i cant believe you hate cisco, i LOVE playing around with all that expensive equipment at work
I had a D-link network card go bad on me once while playing a lan game with a friend. I've avoided them ever since. "Network connection lost" that type of message should never be seen during a lan game!!! Unless of course the pizza delivery guy comes and trips over the lan cables, and if that happens we better get free pizza. Oh the joys of rambling on at icronticforums while stuck at work.
LinkSys makes quality products IMO. I prefer LinkSys over all, especially D-Link