I could explain ya well but I lack the technical vocabulary. FX can do dual ram, like Citrixmetas 2x512 they work faster together. And Athlon64 can't do that, it can still do 2x512 but not as fast as the FX. I hope I explained it right. I know I found a nice graph comparing the capabilities of AthlonXP, Athlon64 and AthlonFX.
Anyway I direct you to HEXUS.net - click on reviews, then processors, and just choose the processor you want to learn about, they have extremely indepth and very interesting reviews, as well as great comparisons to other cpus!
The FX has the dual band and is un-locked. The regular 64 is single band and locked to a certain extent.I would have to agree with you gnome...in my opinion it's not worth the price at the moment.
The FX has the dual band and is un-locked. The regular 64 is single band and locked to a certain extent.I would have to agree with you gnome...in my opinion it's not worth the price at the moment.
What do you mean by locked to a certain extent? Is it possible to change the multiplier still? Or are there limits set to the multiplier and FSB?
Anyway I direct you to HEXUS.net - click on reviews, then processors, and just choose the processor you want to learn about, they have extremely indepth and very interesting reviews, as well as great comparisons to other cpus!
Most of the regular 64 chips you can lower the multiplyer on and up your fsb quite abit. The FX are unlocked either way.