Nive11en's Watercooling Version 1.1

Nive11enNive11en Europe
edited April 2004 in Hardware
Yep, thats right, I bought a Papst and a Black Ice Pro. You can check out all the images at:

My WC is now all internalized and in the case, it now is pretty simple. I like it now a lot.
Some of you already know the components I used, but those that don't:
Pump - Hydor Seltz L30
Water block - CFD Uziel (made by Copperfield ( a Polish company, but they sell their stuff on - They make really sweet and professional WB's that look really juicy with their plexi tops!
Radiator - Black Ice Pro
Tubing - 12mm ID 15mm OD tubing (no idea in inches)
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