K7S5A vs K7S5A Pro
Mars Hill, NC Member
Can someone tell me the difference in the 2?
Just kidding. I love this board, one of the best boards for athlons, providing you're not going to be overclocking, but it's super stable. anyhow, http://www.ecsusa.com/products/k7s5a_v3.html for the k7s5a features, and http://www.ecsusa.com/products/k7s5a_pro.html for the pro. It looks to me like it's just got more connectors. probably a more useful bios too.
Is that what yah come up w/ too?
"most endebted person" not monitariliy though, more like a feeling thing.
budhisetiawan, Yes, Your right, that board will take up to a 2600+.
OCworkbench .