yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
edited April 2004 in Hardware
Hey everyone, does anyone have any ideas for making the water below room temp?

1 possibility I know of is use it in winter outside
-problem- only winter time, and water will freeze

2 refrigerate somehow


  • edited April 2004
    Well, without a Phasechange setup (Prometeia, Vapochill, etc), you can use peltiers. However, uder load, it's pretty hard to get below 0. You can also use dry ice to get below zero. The water is mixed with antifreeze (about the same that you use in the cars radiator) and therefore will be better protected against ice in the loop.
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited April 2004
    hmmm... why didn't I think of that? So, can anti freeze just be pored into with it?
  • edited April 2004
    Depending on HOW cold things will be, you probably would use about 75% water, 15% antifreeze and 10% anti-corrotion. Those numbers can vary a lot though.
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited April 2004
    and it won't mess up the pump?
  • edited April 2004
    Not at all.
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