ok need some help with an interesting mod Idea....
Alright here is my plan. See I'm in the military and I wanted to get a lab top in order to have a computer that I can take with me when I get deployed. I also wanted to upgrade my home computer to a new AMD 64 (drools) and a few other things. well funding is tight and I would probibly be only to get one, this is where the mad genius kicks in. I want to try to creat something that I basically a hybrid between a Lab Top and a Desk top. So that I'll I would have to do is take the parts from my home pc and put them in this new hybrid case and just take it with me.
Here are a few key things I was considering
*First It abviously must be smaller and lighter then a desk top, but be big enough to fit a few drives, an optical drive and a video card.
*I was also thinking in order to save some space and make it more Lab Top like, getting a lab top LCD screen and finding a way to hook that upto a video card.
thats pritty much all I got right now I was just woundering if perhaps you guys could make some suggestions, give me some places to look for stuff, or perhaps even help me with the design.
Here are a few key things I was considering
*First It abviously must be smaller and lighter then a desk top, but be big enough to fit a few drives, an optical drive and a video card.
*I was also thinking in order to save some space and make it more Lab Top like, getting a lab top LCD screen and finding a way to hook that upto a video card.
thats pritty much all I got right now I was just woundering if perhaps you guys could make some suggestions, give me some places to look for stuff, or perhaps even help me with the design.
Would they really let you take a computer with you while you are in service? What country do you live in?