ok need some help with an interesting mod Idea....

edited April 2004 in Hardware
Alright here is my plan. See I'm in the military and I wanted to get a lab top in order to have a computer that I can take with me when I get deployed. I also wanted to upgrade my home computer to a new AMD 64 (drools) and a few other things. well funding is tight and I would probibly be only to get one, this is where the mad genius kicks in. I want to try to creat something that I basically a hybrid between a Lab Top and a Desk top. So that I'll I would have to do is take the parts from my home pc and put them in this new hybrid case and just take it with me.

Here are a few key things I was considering

*First It abviously must be smaller and lighter then a desk top, but be big enough to fit a few drives, an optical drive and a video card.

*I was also thinking in order to save some space and make it more Lab Top like, getting a lab top LCD screen and finding a way to hook that upto a video card.

thats pritty much all I got right now I was just woundering if perhaps you guys could make some suggestions, give me some places to look for stuff, or perhaps even help me with the design.


  • edited April 2004
    I dont think its really possible. If it is, you would spend MUCH more money making it than you would just buying a laptop and a desktop PC.

    Would they really let you take a computer with you while you are in service? What country do you live in?
  • edited April 2004
    yes I can take a computer, I'm in the US.
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited April 2004
    ok then makes a desktop pc and mount a lcd to the top of it!
  • verselloversello New
    edited April 2004
    eMachines makes a pretty good laptop for $1500-ish (at BestBuy), complete with a Radeon 9700 (pretty sure it's a 9700) (fastest notebook gfx card out there atm) and an Athlon 64.
  • edited April 2004
    well does anyone know where I can get the stuff to do this????
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