Crosspost from Hardware - HD Failure and reload

edited May 2004 in Science & Tech
Strangest problem: Started machine one day and got hung at Verifying DMI pool.

Looked at the stripe set and the array failed. Killed the array. Tried a sing HD

Used WD diag tool and created a new MBR on single disk, formatted drive.

Now it takes forever to load a diskette, even for basic DOS prompt ..let alone the OS.

When tyring to load XP Pro, get a black screen after setup inspects. Eventually gets to the setup but hangs a setup is starting Windows.

I can't tell if this is a hardware problem, bios, or mb.

I am stuck


  • edited May 2004
    Tried intsalling using the first HD from the failed stripe set. No luck. Continued to hang at the Verifying DMI Pool, took forever to boot to a DOS disk, as well as on the setup of XP intall.

    Put in second HD from the failed stripe set. Ran the WD DLG11_Dos utility. Formatted HD with this utility as NTFS with a 4kb block.

    Ran XP install, worked flawlessly.

    NOTE: I did not change any setting in bios or memory. Left sound card in, as well as CDR, CD and Zip drive.

    Only thing I can think is that the first HD had a critical failure. MBR gone for sure. Not sure if it was a virus or not....currently run NAV and have never had this problem before.

    Will put erratic HD back in and continue to test.

    Hope this might help some one else

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