memory timing
What are the best memory timings for samsung ddr3200 ? ive got asus a7n8x barton 2500 currently 11x200 1.6v= xp3200 doing fine with this so far. I dont understand memory timings yet. Anyone mind explaining this to me or posting good links. Thanks =P current timing in bios is 8,3,3,2.5 this normal or can it be tweaked also?
the timings you are using now are VERY moderate, even on an Intel rig they would be.
First of all, do you ryn the cpu and memory sync? I mean, do you run the cpu as fast as you run the memory? 1:1 , 2:2 , 3:3 etc. NOT 5:4 or 6:5 or something like that.
When that is done, try set the timings to 11,3,2 2,5 and check for stability. If that works, go 11,3,2,2. That is CONSIDERABLY better, seceral hundred megs/s better memory bandwidth.
SDRAM Active Precharge Delay=11
SDRAM Precharge Delay=3
SDRAM CAS Latency=2t
ok now how did memory benefit from going 8 to 11 in the first one and what does it mean...does goin higher up mean faster or? My mb manual couldnt be more vague about these terms and how they affect memory performance. Thanks for your time =P
Try 11,3,2,2 next.
If you download Sisoft Sandra, you can measure the memory bandwidth. Try 11,2,2,2 next. Must be good 2700 memorys you have there.
oh btw-- 2 sticks of 256mb 3200
Those sticks will easily do 5,2,2,2 at 200.
VERY impressive i must say.
SPD, 50%,60,66,75,80,85,100,120,125,133,150,166,200,auto
Also cpu interface I can choose either= optimal/aggresive?
Memory Bandwidth Bench Mark
RAM Bandwith Int Buffered aEMMX/aSSE=2946 mb/s
RAM Bandwith Float Buffered aEMMX/aSSE=2713 mb/s
Int Bandwidth Effency=92% estimated
Float =84%
*this is at the suggested 11,3,2,2 btw Ive got Memory Frequency=Auto @ cpu interface set at optimal
Are things looking good/bad here ? running fine so far =P
my corsair xms pc3200 is right now at 2,3,3,6 and when i set it to 2,2,2,5 it doesnt load windows, perhaps more volts?
I have never used below max available vmem on any mainboard i have. No point. Ram doesn't get warm anyway.
What is this all about?
I thought lower was better?
Personally I've tried 5-11, and no diff.
But this "outburst" puzzled me.
Found the "tidbit" in a heated discussion in AMD's official forums.
Seems that multiplier lock, or no multiplier lock is the question these days.
In general lower is better, but in some mobo/mem situations timming is an issue and slightly raising some of hte settings can actually help. As long as the CAS is kept at 2.
It is Corsair PC3200 XMS
I turned of buffering and scored 2319/1538 in Sandra
With buffering on the score is 2987/2798
thx man!! btw I took your advice and got two sticks of 256 instead of the 512....weeeeee =P
Can you download Sisoft Sandra and run the memory benchmark and take a screenie of it?
I've done some timing tests on my NF7-S, and I can presume statistics would be similar on all nForce2 boards.
At 3/3/3, memory efficiency was 82%.
At 3/3/2, memory efficiency was 85%.
At 3/2/2, memory efficiency was 86%.
At 2/2/2, memory efficiency was 97%.
Enabling CPU interface gave 99% efficiency.
200MHz FSB.
This is at 10X250 fsb and to the left, timings 10,4,4,cas 2.5 was used.
To the right, 10,4,3cas 2.5 was used. Both passed memtest (w00t, finally 250 fsb stable)