///SOLD/// 2 RIMMs of 800mhz Samsung 128Mb fs

edited November 2003 in Trading Post
I have 2 RIMMs of 800mhz Samsung brand Rambus for sale if anyone's interested in it for an older P4 board or older XEON server board.
It comes with 2 C-RIMMs as well.
For sale to highest bidder...PM me if you're interested.


  • Al_CapownAl_Capown Indiana
    edited November 2003
    4. Post a price for your item. If your technowondergizmo won't move, you are always free to lower your price.

    5. Sellers, once you have posted a price for an item, you may not raise it. If you discover a typo, that’s one thing; if you’ve changed your mind, please remove your thread or have the moderator remove it for you.

    6. NO AUCTIONS. EBay and other sites do that.

    You need to read tha rules
  • edited November 2003
    It's not an auction but I have no clue as to how much it's worth to whomever wants it hence the highest bidder...I'll take $30.00 U.S. and I'll consider trades.
    I'm not going to give it away...already tried that but I at least would like to get more than what it'll cost to ship.
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited November 2003

  • JBJB Carlsbad, CA
    edited November 2003
    is that 2x128MB, or 2x64MB?
  • edited November 2003
    2x128Mb but SimGuy's got them as long as the 30 covers the shipping.
  • edited November 2003
    Here they are for inspection and they are single sided .
  • JBJB Carlsbad, CA
    edited November 2003
    let me know if that doesnt work out with simguy
  • edited November 2003
    Will do...
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited November 2003
    Beautiful, they exactly match my 2 PC800 256 MB Samsung RIMM's that I've got in an older system.

    YGPM - I'll take 'em :)
  • BudBud Chesterfield, Va
    edited November 2003
    is that old p4 board or xeon board still for sale? if so how much and does it include a processor
  • edited November 2003
    I never said I had an older P4 or XEON board, just that they'd be good for one...sorry for the misunderstanding man and they are ~*SOLD*~
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited November 2003
    Your money order was dispatched early this morning. Should be there in 7-10 days, knowing good ol' Canada Post :D
  • edited November 2003
    Cool beans man...I'll let you know when it arrives.
  • edited November 2003
    Payment recieved...SimGuy should have some good news in a couple of hours :)
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited November 2003
    Product received and tested. Everything's A-OK :)

    Thanks again madmat! If you wouldn't mind, could you leave some transaction feedback under my heatware.com account (SimGuy).

    Thanks again :)

    //Edit: Are you a smoker by chance madmat? When I opened up the package, I was overwhelmed by the smell of cigarette smoke :D
  • edited November 2003
    I don't smoke but my wife does. Just give me a link to your heatware as I have no clue as to what the heck it is.
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited November 2003

    You'll need to sign up for an account, but it allows you to build an online database of feedback regarding the history of your online transactions.

    Similar to how E-Bay's evaluation system works, Heatware is essentially the same system except for major online forums :)

    My heatware account is SimGuy. :)
  • edited November 2003
    OK, I'll get on it after I get through reloading my system man.
    I'm glad that the RIMM's made it there in a nice timely manner and I'm happy to hear that you like them. :thumbsup:
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