Memory opinion
Looking at these sticks for an Athlon 64, yes they are all duel channel, and yes I know that the socket 734s don't support duel channel. These sticks may be going into a 939 some day. Can't find any BH5 at this time, point me at it if you can. Corsair XMS is too expensive so it is not considered.
OCZ EL Dual Channel 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-3500
OCZ EL Dual Channel Gold 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-4000
Mushkin Level One Dual Pack 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-3500
OCZ EL Dual Channel 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-3500
OCZ EL Dual Channel Gold 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-4000
Mushkin Level One Dual Pack 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-3500
go for corsair/mushkin
or speak to mackanz about some BH5 goodness.
he might have some for sale.
???? what do you know?
ive had a scenario where i got a pair of the latest and greatest pc3700 OCZ gold EL ram, it wouldnt even do 210.
RMAed it, and what do u know, same thing.
i wouldnt touch OCZ unless i got it for a great price.
I am not certain what happened that caused my brain fart, but I ment to post links to Enhanced Bandwidth (EB) Ram like Mackanz said, not (EL). :loco:
Sorry I either need more beer, or less. Not sure which. :drinkup: