Help With Remote Desktop (WinXP)
I have set-up Remote Desktop and it works fine (haven't figured out re-routing the printer and being able to play music yet, but I'm sure that's pretty easy) but sometimes I am not at a WinXP computer that has Remote Desktop available. I downloaded the Remote Desktop Web Connection that supposedly lets you connect just with IE (if you have a different Win version or don't have the real Remote Desktop utility), but I can't figure out how to get it to work. Anyone able to help me out? The stuff is kinda over my head.
I don't know how to access it - do I just type in http://IPaddress/tsclient? Do I need to set up the Web Connection utility some other way or something? Below are links to some of the info/help files about it and when I installed the Web Connection activex control it has a readme file with more detail but I don't understand what to do.
also, if i use the regular remote desktop with winxp, it saves my IP addy and domain/host name and all that in the fields so that if it's a public computer and someone opens remote desktop later, they have access to all that info (but not the password to actually log into my computer). Is there a way to delete that info so they don't know it? I don't like people using a public computer after me knowing that stuff. Thanks in advance
I don't know how to access it - do I just type in http://IPaddress/tsclient? Do I need to set up the Web Connection utility some other way or something? Below are links to some of the info/help files about it and when I installed the Web Connection activex control it has a readme file with more detail but I don't understand what to do.
also, if i use the regular remote desktop with winxp, it saves my IP addy and domain/host name and all that in the fields so that if it's a public computer and someone opens remote desktop later, they have access to all that info (but not the password to actually log into my computer). Is there a way to delete that info so they don't know it? I don't like people using a public computer after me knowing that stuff. Thanks in advance
hey i have everything working now but when i connect using the web connection utility there isn't an option for me to connect to the remote disk drives like there is when i connect through winxp remote desktop. in the help files it says to just go to connection and options and click to connect to disk drives but i already have a connection going so it won't let me. do i need to change the webpage or activex control or am i missing something here? i want to just connect to the remote computer and the drives.
also, the reason i did this web connection instead of just using the regular remote desktop is so i could connect from any computer even if it didn't have remote desktop installed. however, when i go to the webpage to connect to my IP, it tries to download the activex control and usually it won't work b/c i don't have permission/admin rights. with UltraVNC or RealVNC, you don't need activex controls, you just connect through JAVA so is there any way around this?
im sure its there in the documents, ill try to find it for ya.
theres noway around that activeX autoinstall, RDP is very limited when it comes to these things, that why Citrix presentation/metaframe server is so powerful.
you have like 101 different clients including java based.
I know I need to modify the default.htm file, I just don't know how. If you go to this link and then on the toolbar they have you look at "Tools" they have a standard and advanced web client (which are just different default.htm files) and the advanced one has options for folder redirection and stuff but then all these other options i don't need. When I tried using that one it didn't work but that may be b/c it is only for Windows Server 2003 or whatever. Basically, I just need the regular default.htm that I have modified to include options for local drives and printers like the options are in the regular Remote Desktop