If you want to have to deal with those rebates... but i'd just buy some buffalo memory off of newegg. What do you need the memory for? What speed do you neeD?
I've been looking around the net for something in the way of reviews or user experience with Ultra too, unable to find anything. Same thing @ tigerdirect.ca, cheaper speed/performance ratio than anything else out there but won't spend $$ until I know more about it.
Several people here have recommended the Buffalo but reading reviews and other forums, I haven't found all that much positive (some, maybe 10-15%) about it?? (other than price).
Al_Capown, I don't really "need" this ram right now. Im asking because newegg doesnt carry it and that makes me think that it might not be a quality product. Looks like this has some good timings http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=520706&sku=U10-4902 . And what the big deal with rebates? After all, you just mail it in and you get your money back. It can't be that hard.
Seeing as google knows nothing about it, even with this search string: ULTRA +pc3200 +review -geil -ocz -FX -MSI -abit -kt400 -soyo -mouse -audi -crucial -dfi -corsair -via -pad
Several people here have recommended the Buffalo but reading reviews and other forums, I haven't found all that much positive (some, maybe 10-15%) about it?? (other than price).
The fact that newegg does not carry it means little to nothing.
I wouldn't touch it.