(I need assistance) Installing XP Pro onto blank HD.

-ii--sensez--ii--sensez- Inland Empire (SoCal).
edited June 2004 in Science & Tech
I'm new to this site and all of you seem pretty knowledgeable of computers.

I just received my notebook I purchased (my first).

I purchased it without a pre-installed OS since I already have the XP Pro disc I intend to install onto the notebook.

It's been awhile since I have installed XP onto a computer and from my memory, I think all I did was upgrade, which was very simple.

I cannot get XP installed onto my notebook.

I need your assistance.


My notebook has a CD rom drive.
My notebook does NOT have a floppy drive.
I do have the XP Pro disc I wish to install.
My notebook's HD is BLANK.


Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.




  • edited June 2004
    Your loding a Pirate VERSON! i kn0w it! haha u should of bought a real copy, the OEM would have installed all the drivers and software for ya ;)
  • verselloversello New
    edited June 2004
    Helloes and welcome senez.

    You need to boot off your XP CD to get into the setup... in order to do so, you need to modify the startup setting in your BIOS.

    So when your PC first boots, look for a key that says something like "Press DEL to enter setup" (it could also be F2 or F12 keys).

    Once in there, look for bootup options and make your CDROM your first bootup device.

    Save and exit, reboot with the XP CD in the drive and off you go.
  • -ii--sensez--ii--sensez- Inland Empire (SoCal).
    edited June 2004
    HackingGuru: lol. That was not help HG. Now help me. :p

    Versello: I've already tried that. Setting the cdrom to boot as primary and setting the cdrom as only boot device. So I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    Thanks again.

  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited June 2004
    First we don't really care what HackingGuru has to say, he just has a nice avatar.

    Next for your issues. When you set up the cd to be the boot device is it actually booting into anything or just coming back with a Boot Device not found error?

    If it is coming back with that error, then HG is on the right track. You've probably got a bad botched copy that isn't bootable. In which case given the stance on this forum we aren't really at liberty to help you further.

    If it is booting up with the xp cd as the boot source then just start following through the steps. Choose setup then it'll ask you where tell it the cdrive and you then need to format it either NTFS or FAT32 (choose NTFS) and keep on going with the installation.

    A little more specific insight into your exact problems would be more helpfull in figuring out a potential sollution for you.
  • -ii--sensez--ii--sensez- Inland Empire (SoCal).
    edited June 2004
    First we don't really care what HackingGuru has to say, he just has a nice avatar."

    I completely agree with that comment. I was infact going to edit my post and comment about his avatar.
    The UPS person that delivered my notebook yesterday did not look like her though. :(
    It's a crime.

    When I do set up the BIOS to boot the CDRom as primary; the cd spools but nothing happens.

    I've tried setting up the CDRom as the sole boot up device and then it gives me the Boot Device error.

    If it is coming back with that error, then HG is on the right track. You've probably got a bad botched copy that isn't bootable. In which case given the stance on this forum we aren't really at liberty to help you further."
    -I will keep that in mind. So I'm guessing you cannot discuss such things on these forums? (I registered late last night and I was already tired; so I didn't read the guidelines.)

    Thanks again.

  • verselloversello New
    edited June 2004
    -I will keep that in mind. So I'm guessing you cannot discuss such things on these forums? (I registered late last night and I was already tired; so I didn't read the guidelines.)

    Just as long as it's not stated directly... so yea, just say you have a "botched CD" ;)
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited June 2004
    Alright so your cd isn't bootable and you don't have a floppy drive so making boot floppies is out of the question.

    So the only way that I know of to get around this since you can't install xp from booting off a win98 boot cd for example is to install another OS such as win98 then put in the XP Cd and do an install from that point on. You can still do a clean install and what not you just need win98 as a starting point.

    So if you have a bootable copy of 98 then boot up just do a minimal install don't worry about extra drivers and all that crap. Actually you should pull out every non-essential device in your computer just to speed up the process. So boot up with only a video card and dissable any onboard stuff like sound or nic. Install win98 then put in your XP cd and install XP. Once it's installed put back in your hardware and it'll detect it set it up etc...
  • -ii--sensez--ii--sensez- Inland Empire (SoCal).
    edited June 2004
    Thanks for the info.

    The day after I posted this thread, I called around looking for a boot CD for any version of Windows. lol.

    I figured since my "scratched cd" of XP wouldn't work, I would hopefully work as an upgrade cd.

    I haven't installed XP Pro yet, instead I'm running Home Ed.

    What are the major advantages running XP Pro?
  • verselloversello New
    edited June 2004
    What are the major advantages running XP Pro?

    More control over file permissions, encryption and remote desktop control.
  • -ii--sensez--ii--sensez- Inland Empire (SoCal).
    edited June 2004
    Thanks again for the info.

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